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Gear Review: ROLL Recovery R8

The Problem

I spent most of June on the treadmill due to what my doctor and I thought was achilles tendinitis. I wasn’t feeling particularly tight, so I had stopped foam rolling on a regular basis, and since downward dog was pulling on my achilles tendon, yoga had been scratched from the schedule too.

Near the end of the month, I started having incredible pains in my left ankle, seemingly from nowhere. That wasn’t the ankle that had tendinitis in it, and it wasn’t making any sense. It wasn’t just my achilles that hurt either – I was having tightness and pain in both of the sides of my ankle too. I foam rolled for 30 minutes when I got home from work, and found that I was getting relief, but I didn’t feel like a regular tubular foam roller was getting enough precision and pressure to really take care of the problem. Before I went to bed that night, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw Playtri had posted a picture of some medieval torture device that looked like it was exactly what I needed to get the knots out of my legs – The ROLL Recovery R8.

Roll Recovery R8 Continue Reading

Baking Croissants


After making four batches of bagels last weekend, I decided I’d try croissants this weekend. I ended up not getting around to the dough in time, and then making true croissants were going to be far more involved than I was anticipating, so instead of adding in the butter layer and brushing it with egg and butter, I just made the dough into a croissant-like shape and put them in the oven.

They still turned out really well, and are delicious if you stick them in the microwave for a few seconds and put butter on them. They’re not as flaky as traditional croissants by any means. If I had to compare them, I’d probably say they remind me most of the bread used for the sausage kolaches. This turned out to be a happy little accident.

Frozen berries

I’ve loved frozen grapes and blueberries since the first time I tried them. I was looking forward to relaxing on my rest day on my back porch with a bowl of berries and a good book. So of course, fifteen minutes after I get home, the rain starts pouring down (rather violently, I might add; the dog is scared for his life). Whatever. I’m eating my berries anyway.


Bowlounge – Design District, Dallas TX

I’ve been to Bowlounge three times in the last month. I’m no good at bowling, but while I’ve been working on my game, I also took some pictures of the place. The vibe is just so cool, and there’s a wall of beer taps. I got to try out the new Rahr Kristallweizen while I was there for a work event, and it’s the first place I’ve been able to find that beer around Dallas, so they’re definitely on top of their local beer game. I definitely recommend finding time for a game or two if you’ve got some free time in DFW.